Dental Sealants

Highly effective in preventing decay on the biting surfaces of your chewing teeth, dental sealants are a simple procedure in which a tooth-colored acrylic “coating” is painted onto the surface of the tooth. This effectively “seals” the deep grooves, acting as a barrier and protecting enamel from plaque and acids.

Sealants protect the depressions and grooves of your teeth from food particles and plaque that brushing and flossing can’t reach.

Easy to apply, sealants take only a few minutes to place on a tooth. Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing and will last several years preventing bacteria from entering the pit and fissures on the chewing surface of the tooth.

Dental Sealants example of tooth receiving treatment

Call today to learn whether dental sealants can put extra power behind your prevention program! (262)542-4827